Jus Les

The start of Jus Les 

Jus Les was established at the end of August 2023. The lack of unique vintage watches on the market was the fuel that ultimately started Jus Les. We want to create a new trend and culture of wearing vintage watches, elevating our customers style, meanwhile being a catalyst for environmentally friendly style choices. Jus Les wants you to use less!

The hunt for watches

An essential part of our operation is searching for the best and most soughtout watches. This step is very time consuming, offering as a further service to our operation. We want to aid and streamline our customers search for timeless pieces. 


If the watch is up to our quality standards, necessary restoration will be performed. This often implies a change of battery (if possible given the watches machinery). However, the lifetime of the battery is not guaranteed. After this step is complete, the watch is ready to be purchased!

Quality assurance

Before the restoration process begins, there is a guaranteed quality assurance and assessment of every one of our watches. We make necessary changes, and decide whether the watch is up to standard or not.